
随時更新いたします。(最終更新日 2021/06/11)



First of all, let me thank you all for coming here today.


【1】First of all, (まず最初に)
【2】thank you all for A (皆様にAの事で感謝いたします。)


Let me start by saying a few words about my own background.


【1】let me start by A (Aで始めさせてください)
【2】background (経歴、バックグラウンド)



I’m going to talk about the traditional role of women in Japan.


【1】I’m going to do (~します。するつもりだ。)
【2】talk about A (Aについて話す)


The subject of my talk is same sex marriage in japan.


【1】the subject of A (Aの主題、テーマ)
【2】my talk (私の話、プレゼン) ※ここのtalkは名詞


As you can see on the screen, our topic today is “biodiversity loss” .


【1】As you can see on the screen,  (スクリーンにご覧頂けるように)
【2】our topic today is A (本日のトピックはAです。)


What I am going to talk about today is how to stop snoring.


【1】stop doing (~することを止める)
【2】snore (いびきをかく)


Today I am here to talk to you about how to improve your office working environment.


【1】I am here to do (~するためにここにいます。)
【2】talk to you about A (あなた(達)にAについて話をする)


My talk is particularly relevant to those of you who are interested in baseball.


【1】be relevant to A (Aに関係がある)
【2】particularly (副詞:特に)


I would like to take this opportunity to talk to you about risks surrounding your business activities.


【1】take this opportunity to do (これを機に~する)
【2】risks surrounding A (Aを取り巻くリスク)


I want to make you a short presentation about LGBT rights.


【1】make a short presentation (手短なプレゼンをする)
【2】right (権利)


I’d like to give you a brief breakdown of our financial performance over the last year.


【1】a breakdown of A (Aの分析)
【2】brief (短い)


In my presentation, I’ll focus on two major issues.


【1】focus on A (Aに集中する、フォーカスする)
【2】major (大きな、主要な)



It will take about 30 minutes to cover these issues.


【1】it take 時間 to do (~するのに**かかる)
【2】cover A (Aを扱う)


Please interrupt me if you have any questions.


【1】interrupt A (Aを遮る、邪魔する)
【2】if you have any questions (何か質問があれば)


After my talk, there will be time for a discussion and any questions.


【1】time for A (Aのための時間)
【2】discussion (ディスカッション、議論)



The purpose of this presentation is to introduce Environmental Economics.


【1】the purpose of A (Aの目的)
【2】introduce A (Aを紹介する)


My objective today is to let you know cyberbullying.


【1】objective (目標)
【2】let A know B (AにBを知らせる)



Does everybody have a handout of my report?


【1】a handout of A (Aの配布資料)
【2】report (レポート、報告書)


I’ll be handing out copies of the slides at the end of my presentation.


【1】hand out A (Aを配布する、配る)
【2】slide ((パワポなどの)スライド)


I can email the PowerPoint presentation to anyone who would like it.  


【1】email A to B (AをBにメールする)
【2】PowerPoint presentation (パワポのプレゼン資料)



If you have any questions, I am happy to answer them.


【1】be happy to do (喜んで~する)
【2】answer A (Aに回答する)


There will be time for a Q&A session at the end of my presentation.


【1】Q&A session (Q&Aセッション)
【2】at the end of A (Aの最後に)


I’d be grateful if you could ask your questions after the presentation.


【1】I’d be grateful if you could ~ (~していただけますと幸いです。)
【2】after A (Aの後に)


Does this answer your question?




Did I make myself clear?




That’s an interesting question.


【1】interesting (おもしろい、興味深い)


I’m afraid I’m unable to answer that at the moment. 


【1】I’m afraid ~ (申し訳ないのですが、~)
【2】at the moment (現時点では)


I can get back to you later with the answer.


【1】get back to A (Aに改めて連絡する)
【2】later (後ほど)



【保存版】Excel操作に関する英語表現・例文【Microsoft Office】