【保存版】英検1級 二次面接試験対策 スピーチトピック(例題)

  • 英検
英検1級 二次面接対策 スピーキングトピック











Do you think advanced countries should help less advanced countries?

【分野(大)】国際関係【分野(小)】経済制裁 例文参考ページ

Do you think economic sanctions are always the best way to solve problems between nations?


Does globalism reduce poverty in poor countries?


Does globalism reduce poverty in poor countries?


Does globalization reduce the risk of war?


Should Japan accept more refugees?


Should developed countries be responsible for helping refugees?

【分野(大)】国際関係【分野(小)】水問題 例文参考ページ

Will water scarcity cause wars in the future?


Will we be able to feed world population in the future?


Is international society doing enough to prevent terrorism?


Is it possible to denuclearize the world?


Are Biological weapons a great threat to the world?


Are cyberattacks a great threat to national securities?


Should democratic countries do more to democratize dictatorship countries?



Is it possible to introduce a universal basic income?


Do you think a universal basic income can decrease unemployment rate?


Is public health insurance system necessary?


Should Japan raise the minimum wage?


Will AI and robots increase unemployment rate?


Are labors in Japan exploited by companies?


Should international society limit the power of multinational corporations?


Should rich people pay more tax?


Is the income inequality between the rich and the poor a grave threat to societies?


Should Japan redistribute more wealth from the rich to the poor?


Should Japan increase its food self-sufficiency rate?


Is consumerism doing harm than good?


Should voting age be lowered to 16?


Should Japan relax its immigration policy?


Does capitalism make people happier than socialism does?


Is socialism a realistic economic system?



Do you think the education system in Japan encourages creativity?


Should schools prioritize competition over cooperation?


Do you think it is necessary for young people to attend college these days?


If you were an employer, who would you hire? An employee with a lot of work experience or an employee with a lot of education.


Do you think parents should continue to financially support their children after they turn 20?


Who do you think should be primarily responsible for taking care of children?


Do you think a person can become a genius, or are they just born that way?


【分野(大)】環境問題【分野(小)】環境汚染 例文参考ページ

What should we do to increase the awareness about environmental pollution?

【分野(大)】環境問題【分野(小)】地球温暖化 例文参考ページ

Do you think that there is a relation between global warming and human activities?

【分野(大)】環境問題【分野(小)】気候変動 例文参考ページ

Should we slow down economies for future generations?


Globalization is bad for environment?


Should we rely on nuclear power plants to reduce green gas emissions?


Do you think it is possible for the world to achieve net zero emission in 21th century?


Does working from home have a good impact on environment?



What do you think are the advantages or disadvantages of modern medicine?


In what circumstances should traditional or alternative medicine be used?


Should the government play a center role in maintaining citizens’ health?



Do you think the government should ban advertising for junk food during children’s TV programs?


Do you think fast food can be sold in school cafeterias?


Do you think the government should do more to educate young people about alcohol abuse and alcoholism?


Should there be restrictions on smoking in public?


Do you agree or disagree with the idea that the production and sale of tobacco products should be made illegal?


Should alcohol or tobacco companies have the right to advertise?


Should marijuana be illegal?



Are locally run charity organizations more effective than large charity organizations?


What benefits could you personally get by volunteering?


Should volunteering be mandatory for every student?



What are some long-term problems people might have after a disaster? How should we deal with them?


What are some health problems that might arise after a natural disaster? How can we deal with them?


What can you do to prepare for a natural disaster?


How much money should the government give to help victims of natural disasters?



How have the Internet and web technology changed society?


What are some of the ways the Internet can be used for education?


Do you think the Internet can be helpful in a disaster?


The Internet is the good or the evil?


Do you think that the Internet is dangerous for children?


Do you think that the Internet usage is an anti-social activity?


Some websites hold very dangerous information. What do you think are the ways to control these Websites?


What do you think about the influence of mobile phones on our health?

【分野(大)】科学技術【分野(小)】SNS 例文参考ページ 例文参考ページ②

Do you think SNS is must to grow your business?

【分野(大)】情報科学【分野(小)】検閲 例文参考ページ

Do you think governments have the right to censor the Internet?

【分野(大)】科学技術【分野(小)】検閲 例文参考ページ

Do you think social media should be censored?



Do you think murderer are natural-born criminals?

【分野(大)】犯罪【分野(小)】少年犯罪・少年非行 例文参考ページ

Do you think more should be done to reduce juvenile delinquency?

【分野(大)】法律【分野(小)】死刑 例文参考ページ

Do you support death penalty?


Do you agree that everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed?

【分野(大)】法律【分野(小)】銃規制 例文参考ページ

Should guns be banned in the U.S.?

【分野(大)】法律【分野(小)】大量殺人 例文参考ページ

Are laws properly designed to prevent mass killing?


Gambling should be legalized?


Is Japan’s conviction rate too high?


Should jurisdiction systems put more emphasis on rehabilitation than punishment?



What technologies do you think space exploration has brought to our daily life?


Is space exploration a waste of money?


Is ocean exploration a waste of money?


Do you think eating the meat from cloned animals can be justified?


Do you think it is preferable to adopt artificial reproduction technology?


What do you think is the worst invention throughout history?



Do you think paternity leave should be mandatory?


Do you it is possible to establish gender equality in the Workplace?


Should trophy hunting be banned?


Is enough being done to prevent child abuse?


Should governments be responsible for reducing suicide rates?


Does birth order make a difference in your personality?


Should companies improve their employees’ work-life balance ?


Should Japan attract more tourists ?


Will religions become more irrelevant in 21 century?


Is the modern world too materialistic?


Do you think countries spend too much time and money on the Olympics?


Do you think that the Olympics are important for host countries?

英検1級 二次試験 おすすめ勉強法






英検1級 二次試験 スピーチ 練習方法






