





It’s Tanaka from ABC company.


【1】It’s 名前 from 会社 (~会社の~です。)


I hope you had a good weekend.


【1】I hope ~ (~な事を願います。)
【2】weekend (週末)


Hope you had a nice break.

【1】Hope (I hope のくだけた言い方)
【2】break (休暇、お休み)


I hope you are well.


【1】I hope ~ (~な事を願います。)
【2】well (元気が良い)


I’m glad we had a chance to chat at the seminar.


【1】I am glad ~ (~で嬉しく思う)
【2】have a chance to do (~する機会がある)


It was great to see you on Monday.


【1】It was glad to do (~できて良かったです)
【2】see A (Aに会う)


It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday.


【1】It was a pleasure to do (~できて良かったです)
【2】meet A (Aに会う)


I’m glad to hear that your business is going well.


【1】I’m glad to hear that ~ (~と聞いて嬉しく思います。)
【2】go well ((物事が)順調に運ぶ)


Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion!


【1】Congratulations on A (Aをおめでとうございます。)
【2】promotion (昇進)


Good luck in your new position.


【1】Good luck (ご活躍をお祈りいたします。)
【2】in your new position (あなたの新しい役職で)






I am writing to you about our last meeting.


【1】I am writing to you about A (Aについてメールを差し上げました。)
【2】meeting (会議)


I am writing to you with regards to our monthly report.


【1】with regards to A (Aに関して)
【2】monthly report (月次報告)


I am writing to request a rescheduling of my appointment.


【1】request A (Aを頼む、要請する)
【2】a rescheduling of A (Aの日程変更)


I am writing to let you know that our CEO, Yoshinaga will be stepping down next month.


【1】let A know that ~(Aに~を知らせる)
【2】step down (退任する)


I am writing to confirm your appointment with our HR manager, Izumi.


【1】confirm A (Aを確認する)
【2】HR (Human Resourcesの略:人事部)


I am writing to update you on our project.


【1】I am writing to do (~するためにメールを差し上げました。)
【2】update A on B (Bについての最新情報をAに知らせる)


I wanted to let you know that your payment is due in 3 days.


【1】I wanted to let you know that ~(~をお知らせいたします。)
【2】be due (期日である)


This email is just to let you know that tonight is our office year-end party.


【1】This email is just to let you know that ~(~を取り急ぎご連絡いたします。)
【2】year-end party (忘年会)


This is a friendly reminder that you have an upcoming reservation at Tokyo Hotel.


【1】This is a friendly reminder that ~(~を念のためご連絡いたします。)
【2】upcoming reservation (間もなくの予約)




Sorry for my late reply.


【1】late (遅い)
【2】reply (返事)


Sorry that it took me so long to get back to you.


【1】Sorry that ~ (~で申し訳ございません。)
【2】get back to A (Aに返信する)


Sorry, I’ve just seen your email now.


【1】I’ve just p.p. (ちょうど~した。)
【2】seen (seeの過去分詞)


I was just thinking about sending an email about this to you.


【1】I was just thinking about doing (ちょうど~しようと思っていた。)
【2】send A to B (AをBに送る)


As we discussed, I am sending you a list of our potential customers.


【1】a list of A (Aのリスト、一覧)
【2】potential customer (見込み客)


Thank you for your email about our products.


【1】thank you for A (Aをありがとうございます。)
【2】email about A (AについてのEメール)


Thank you for your feedback on my presentation.


【1】feedback on A (Aについてのフィードバック)
【2】presentation (プレゼンテーション)


Thanks for your suggestion.


【1】Thanks (Thank you のカジュアルな言い方)
【2】suggestion (提案)


Thanks for sending the documents.


【1】Thanks (Thank you のカジュアルな言い方)
【2】document (資料)


Thank you for your quick reply.


【1】quick (迅速な)
【2】reply (名詞:返信、返事)


Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.


【1】get back to A (Aに返信する)
【2】quickly (副詞:迅速に)


Thank you so much for your kind words.


【1】Thank you so much (どうもありがとうございます。)
【2】kind words (優しいお言葉、親切なお言葉)


I didn’t hear back from anyone on your team.

【1】hear back from A (Aから返事をもらう)
【2】team (チーム)



I just wanted to follow up on the email I sent last week about our sales figures.


【1】follow up on A (Aについてフォローアップする)
【2】sales figures (売上高)


I’m writing to follow up on my email regarding our new CEO.


【1】follow up on A (Aについてフォローアップする)
【2】regarding A (Aに関して)



As you already know, I will be leaving the company on March 31.


【1】As you already know, (既にご存じのとおり、)
【2】leave the company (会社を辞める)



Please let me know a time that is convenient for you.


【1】Please let me know A (Aを教えてください)
【2】be convenient for A (Aにとって都合が良い)


Please let me know when you’re available.


【1】Please let me know A (Aを教えてください)
【2】available (会うことが出来る、体が空いている)


Can we schedule a Zoom meeting sometime this week to discuss this issue?


【1】schedule A (動詞:Aの日程を組む)
【2】sometime this week (今週のどこか)


Is Friday still good for you?


【1】be still good for A (Aにとってまだ都合が良い)
【2】Friday (金曜日)


Please let me know your available time slots.


【1】available (体が空いている、会うことが出来る)
【2】time slot (時間帯)


I can arrange the most suitable time for you.


【1】arrange (手配する、準備する)
【2】the most suitable time for A (Aにとって最も都合の良い時間)


Would it be possible for you to meet me on the proposed date?


【1】Would it be possible for you to do (~は可能でしょうか)
【2】on the proposed date (提案した日にちに)


Please contact me with an opening in your schedule.


【1】contact A (Aに連絡する)
【2】opening (名詞:空き)


I have just realized that I have a meeting at 13:00.


【1】I have just realized that ~ (~に今気が付きました)
【2】have a meeting at 時間 (~時から会議がある) 
※at 13:00 を from 13:00としないように注意!


Unfortunately, my schedule is full this week.


【1】Unfortunately,  (残念ながら、)
【2】be full (いっぱいである)


Unfortunately, my schedule is quite tight until next week.


【1】Unfortunately,  (残念ながら、)
【2】be tight (タイトである、詰まっている)


If your schedule permits, I would like to have a meeting with you tomorrow.


【1】If your schedule permits, (もしスケジュールがよろしければ)
【2】have a meeting with A (Aと会議をする)


I would like to schedule a meeting with your teem at your team’s earliest convenience.


【1】schedule a meeting with A (Aとの会議の日程を組む)
【2】at one’s earliest convenience (~の直近のご都合の良い時間で)


I would like you to block off time for the budget meeting.


【1】block off time for A (Aのための時間を押さえる)
【2】budget meeting (予算会議)


Due to unexpected circumstances, I would like to rearrange the meeting for another day.


【1】Due to unexpected circumstances, (予期せぬ事態により)
【2】rearrange A (Aの予定を組みなおす)


It would be no problem for me to come to your office sometime next week.


【1】It would be no problem for me to do (~するのは問題ございません)
【2】sometime next week (来週のどこかで)



Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.


【1】apology (謝罪)
【2】inconvenience (不便)


I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.


【1】I apologize for A (Aについて申し訳ございません。)
【2】inconvenience (ご迷惑、ご不便)


I’m afraid that the meeting has been canceled.


【1】I’m afraid that ~ (申し訳ないのですが、~です。)
【2】be canceled (中止される)


Due to unavoidable circumstances, I will not be able to attend the meeting.


【1】Due to unavoidable circumstances, (やむを得ない事情により)
【2】attend the meeting (会議に出席する)



I would like to have a quick chat with you over the budget proposal.


【1】have a quick chat with A (Aと手短に話をする)
【2】budget proposal (予算案)



I am writing this email to request an appointment with you to discuss our long-term business strategy.


【1】request an appointment with A (Aとのアポイントメントを依頼する)
【2】discuss A (Aについて話し合う)


As I mentioned on the phone, I would like to have a quick chat with you in person.


【1】As I mentioned on the phone, (電話で話した通り。)
【2】in person (直接会って)


I have just taken a call from Mr.Tobe calling off our meeting tomorrow.


【1】take a call from A (Aからの電話を受ける)
【2】call off A (Aを中止する)


We are happy to come to your new office.


【1】be happy to do (喜んで~する)
【2】come to A (Aに来る、行く)



Let me know if you have any questions about the attachment.


【1】let me know if ~ (もし~であればお知らせください。)
【2】attachment (添付物)


The requested document is attached to this email.


【1】document (資料)
【2】be attached to A (Aに添付されている)


Relevant information is in the attached file.


【1】relevant (関連がある)
【2】attached file (添付ファイル)


I’m sharing our sales figures of this month with you.


【1】share A with B (AをBと共有する)
【2】sales figures (売上高)


I have attached the updated file.


【1】attach A (Aを添付する)
【2】updated (更新された)


Here’s the document that you asked for.


【1】ask for A (Aを求める)
【2】document (資料)


I’m sending you the revised invoice as a PDF file.


【1】revised (修正された)
【2】send A as A PDF file (AをPDFファイルで送る)


Please take a look at the attached file.


【1】take a look at A (Aを見る)
【2】attached file (添付ファイル)


Take a look at the debit note I’ve attached to this email.


【1】take a look at A (Aを見る)
【2】attach A to B (AをBに添付する)


Please see the attached excel file for more details.


【1】attached (添付された)
【2】Please see A for more details (詳細はAをご覧ください)


【保存版】Excel操作に関する英語表現・例文【Microsoft Office】