Add more salt to the pasta pot if necessary.
【1】add A to B (AをBに加える)
【2】pasta pot (パスタ鍋)
Add a little at a time.
【1】add a little (ちょっと加える)
【2】at a time (一度に)
Could you show me how to carve a turkey like a pro?
【1】carve A (Aを切り分ける)
【2】like a pro (プロみたいに)
Chop up the meat then add them to the dish.
【1】chop up A (Aを細かく切る)
【2】meat (お肉)
Mincing onions is basically chopping onions as finely as you can.
【1】mince A (Aをミンチにする、みじん切りにする)
【2】finley (副詞:細かく、みじんに)
Could you show me how to dice a red onion.
【1】dice A (Aをさいの目に切る)
【2】red onion (赤玉ねぎ)
Cut the meat into little pieces.
【1】cut A into little pieces (Aを細かく切る)
【2】meat (お肉)
Grate a large carrot in a food processor and add it to the salad.
【1】grate A (Aをすりおろす)
【2】food processor (フードプロセッサー)
Holding the onion firmly, make parallel slices from the top towards the roots.
【1】hold A firmly (Aをしっかりつかむ)
【2】parallel (平行な)
Make sure to grease the pan before putting the mix in otherwise the cake will stick to the sides.
【1】grease a pan (フライパンに油をしく)
【2】stick to A (Aにひっつく)
I’m going to fly some bacon and eggs for breakfast.
【1】fly A (Aを少量の油で炒める)
【2】bacon (ベーコン)
Cook the pork until there are no pink parts.
【1】cook A until ~ (~まで火を通す、調理する)
【2】pork (豚肉)
It smells good because I’m roasting a chicken.
【1】roast A (Aをローストする、オーブンなどで焼く)
【2】chiken (鶏肉)
I’m going to barbecue some sausages for dinner.
【1】barbecue A (Aを炭火でじっくり焼く)
【2】sausage (ソーセージ)
Boil the broccolis until they are cooked.
【1】boil A (Aを茹でる)
【2】cooked (調理された、火が通った)
Beat the whip cream until it starts to thicken.
【1】beat A (Aを泡立てる)
【2】thicken ((液体に)とろみがつく)
Beat the mixture lightly with a whisk or fork.
【1】lightly (副詞:軽く)
【2】whisk (泡だて器)
Break the eggs into the bowl.
【1】break an egg into A (Aに卵を割っていれる)
【2】bowl (ボウル)
Tap the egg on a firm surface.
【1】tap A on B (Bの上でAを軽くたたく)
【2】surface (表面)
Add your egg mixture to the pan.
【1】mixture (混ぜ合わせたもの)
【2】pan (フライパン)
Crack two eggs into a microwave safe bowl.
【1】crack an egg into A (Aに卵を割っていれる)
【2】microwave safe bowl (電子レンジ対応ボウル)
Microwave it on high for 30 seconds.
【1】microwave A on high (Aを「強」で電子レンジにかける)
【2】for 30 seconds (30秒間)
Add 1tbsp of milk and a pinch of salt and black pepper.
【1】1tbsp of A (Aの大さじ一杯) tbsp = tablespoon の略
【2】a pinch of A (Aの一つまみ)
Knead the dough for the pizza base.
【1】knead A (Aをこねる)
【2】dough (生地、パン生地)
You can blend any fruits or vegetables together to make your own smoothie.
【1】blend A together (Aを一緒にブレンドする)
【2】smoothie (スムージー)